How to disable Alt+Tab, Windows Key + Tab, and other Shortcuts?
Pro running within Windows 10 operating system. Although you cannot close the Pro application (it has no close button), people connecting a keyboard can still access Windows via the Windows key + D (desktop) or close the Pro application with Alt + F4.
To make sure non of the (tech) users can close the application nor can access Windows, you can easily block the keys you want. You can do via multiple ways but we prefer to use AutoHotkey.
Delete the contents of the default AutoHotkey script and add the below content. The lines beginning with ; aren’t necessary — they’re comment lines that don’t do anything, but explain what the script does. If you only want to disable some shortcuts, you can choose which of the lines you want to include in your script.
; Disable Alt+Tab
!Tab::Return; Disable Windows Key + Tab
#Tab::Return; Disable Left Windows Key
LWin::Return; Disable Right Windows Key
RWin::Return; Disable Alt+F4
Feel free to look up how AutoHotkey works and add other keyboard shortcuts you’d like it to ignore. If there’s another key or combination of keys that bothers you, AutoHotkey can take care of it.
Save the in Notepad and click File > Compile Script. It will create an executable file of the script which you have to put in the auto start folder in Windows. Check this item on the Microsoft website to see how to add it to auto start.
As example above script is available as download (script file as well as the executable).
Important note: if you run the script and Pro is running as well, you cannot access Windows anymore unless you can remote access it. Best is to add a custom shortcut only known by the admins to kill the application in case you need to access Windows for e.g. maintenance reasons.