How should I connect Ethernet/network to Canvas screen?
There are three ways to connect your Canvas screen to your network: 1) Use one of the Canvas Ethernet connections, 2) Use the Ethernet interface of the OPS or connected PC and 3) Use Wifi on OPS or connected PC. By deafult, the Ethernet is also shared with the other interfaces on the screen by means of the internal Ethernet switch. In case you do not want to share your network connection, you can easily disable interfaces in the Dealer menu, ‘Display Settings’ submenu.
One thing to note, is that in case you connect the Ethernert cable directly to the OPS, the screen itself will also show up as an interface in Windows OPSs. This might be confusing or cause trouble with your application (such as a CTOUCH Brix), in that case we advise you to use the Canvas Ethernet port instead of the OPS’es. Or you can disable the interface in Windows settings (Network submenu) or the ‘Ethernet OPS’ interface in the Dealer menu, ‘Display Settings’ submenu.