How to use the room-booking feature on For Teams Go?
1. Book a meeting
- Book a meeting from the Outlook application on your laptop.
- Enter the meeting details, including start and end dates/times, then invite the Kickle room and add recipients if necessary.
Remember to invite the room as a participant in your meeting schedule. Otherwise, your scheduled meeting will not appear on the screen.
- Once you've made your request, Outlook will send an email invitation to the intended participant. It will also add a tentative appointment to their calendar, which they can accept or decline. As soon as the invitation has been accepted, the meeting will automatically be added to the person's calendar, marking that time slot as "busy".
- As long as the time slot on its agenda is free, the room will automatically accept the meeting. Once the invitation has been accepted, the meeting will appear on the timeline. If the time slot on the agenda is already booked, the room will automatically decline the meeting. In this case, the meeting will not appear on the timeline.
2. Timeline
- The Calendar Meeting Info is retrieved 6 hours before the current time and 7 days after the current time.
- You can join at any time by selecting the card displayed on the screen.
Color code:
- BLUE indicates a future meeting.
- YELLOW indicates the current meeting.
- RED means the meeting has been canceled.
- GREEN means the meeting is over.
- GREY means the meeting is in the past but is not considered as "over" (for example, if a power outage occurred during the meeting and the Kickle units reboots).
If you just want to use the room without prior booking, you can skip the room-booking process by clicking on the red cross (at the bottom of the screen).
3. Calendar interactions
- If you join a meeting from For Teams Go and then leave it before the scheduled starting time, nothing happens.
You book a meeting for 2 pm. You enter the meeting room at 1:35 pm and you click on your meeting. You then end the meeting at 1:55 pm.
Kickle will not change the meeting calendar time. The meeting color will remain blue in the timeline.
- If you join a meeting from For Teams Go and end it after the scheduled starting time but before the scheduled ending time, the calendar info that appear on the screen will update the times based on the end time.
You book a meeting from 2 pm to 3 pm. You enter the meeting room at 1:55 pm and click on your meeting. You end your meeting at 2:35 pm.
For Teams Go will change the meeting end time from 3 pm to 2:35 pm. The meeting will appear as grey in the timeline.
- If you join a meeting from For Teams Go and end it after the scheduled end time, For Teams Go will extend the meeting reservation.
You book a meeting from 2 pm to 3 pm. You enter the meeting room at 1:55 pm and click on your meeting. You then end your meeting at 3:25 pm.
For Teams Go will extend the meeting reservation from 2 pm / 3 pm to 2 pm / 3:25 pm. The meeting will appear as green in the timeline.
For Teams Go will extend the meeting reservation "a posteriori". In the previous example, For Teams Go extends the meeting to 3:25 pm. That means, from 3:00 pm to 3:24 pm, the meeting room will appear as free. At 3:25 pm, the meeting room will appear as busy from 2:00 pm to 3:25 pm.
- The scheduled starting time never changes in the agenda, even if you join a meeting before the scheduled starting time.
You book a meeting from 2 pm to 3 pm. You enter the meeting room at 1:45 pm and click on your meeting. You then end your meeting at 3:25 pm.
For Teams Go will extend the meeting reservation from 2 pm / 3 pm to 2 pm / 3:25 pm. Even if you started the meeting at 1:45, the meeting reservation remains at 2 pm / 3:25 pm (and not 1:45 pm / 3:25 pm). The scheduled start time never changes on the agenda.
If you do not join the meeting within 15 minutes from the scheduled start time, your meeting will be canceled (the meeting reservation still exists but the duration time will change to 15 minutes).
You booked a meeting from 2 pm to 3 pm. You enter the meeting room at 2:20 pm. Your meeting will appear as red in the timeline (canceled). You are no longer able to join your meeting. At 2:15 pm, the meeting reservation will have been shortened from 2:00 pm / 3:00 pm to 2:00 pm to 2:15 pm. That means the meeting room becomes free at 2:16 pm.
4. Notifications
5 minutes before the next meeting starts, you will receive a notification (unless you are already in the "next" meeting).
A meeting is scheduled at 2 pm. You enter the meeting room at 1:30 pm. You click on the red cross icon. At 1:55 pm, you will receive a notification saying "The next meeting will start in five minutes, All good things must come to an end".
You can choose to simply ignore this notification (you will remain in your "impromptu" meeting) or you may exit your "impromptu" meeting. If you choose to remain in your "impromptu" meeting, the existing scheduled meeting will be canceled at 2:15 pm. The meeting room will appear as free (even if you are using the Kickle screen).
- If you join a meeting from For Teams Go, however, you do not leave it when the meeting is supposed to end and another meeting is about to start, a notification will appear. If you don't confirm the next meeting, the next meeting will be canceled 15 minutes following the scheduled start time.
A meeting (meeting A) is scheduled for 2 pm to 3 pm. Another meeting (meeting B) is scheduled for 3 pm to 4 pm. You enter meeting A at 2 pm. At 2:55 pm, you receive a notification: "The next meeting will start in five minutes...". You decide not to leave your meeting. At 3:15 pm, meeting B is automatically canceled. At 3:16 pm, the room agenda appears as free (even if you are still using the screen). If you leave the meeting at 3:25 pm, the room agenda will be updated "a posteriori" from 2 pm / 3 pm to 2 pm / 3:25 pm.
As stated, For Teams Go will extend the meeting reservation "a posteriori". In the previous example, For Teams Go extended the meeting to 3:25 pm. That means, from 3:15 pm to 3:24 pm, the meeting room appears as free. At 3:25 pm, the meeting room appears as busy from 2:00 pm to 3:25 pm.
As a meeting organizer, you can change the meeting details via the Outlook calendar and send the updates to attendees. After a few minutes, these updates will also be displayed on For Teams Go.
If no meeting is displayed on For Teams Go, the screen saver will appear.