How can I check the version of CTOUCH For Teams Go?
Checking the current software version of your For Teams Go is a very easy. The software is divided in two parts which can have both a different version:
- Windows application version
In Windows settings - Apps & Features, check for the Kickle application (in below example 4.0.4):
- Web application version
1. Locate the [Whiteboard] button (first button on the left side of your screen).
2. Keep the [Whiteboard] button pressed for about 5 seconds until the information page will be displayed:
"Version" will show the current version of the application (in this example 4.0.6).
"Restart app" will restart the application without restarting Windows.
"Reboot device" will restart the Windows machine. After the restart you can use your device again.
Note: In case Windows updates are downloaded in the background and ready to install, Windows might install these updates during the 'Reboot device'. This can cause the reboot to take longer (depending on the amount/size of the updates). Please do not abort the Windows update as that might cause Windows to corrupt.