How do I share my desktop screen on the CTOUCH Essentials?
With our wireless screen sharing solution Voila, you can share your desktop in 2 different ways:
Via Google's Chrome Browser (if you do not have it yet, download it here)
1. Open in the Chrome browser (url is also mentioned in the tutorial on the screen)
2. Check the 8 digit code as presented on the screen you want to connect to (only capital letters)
3. Fill the code into the browser showing the Voila user interface
4. Press connect and you will be connected to your meeting room screen
Note: To be able to connect via the browser, a plugin should be installed into your Chrome browser. It will be automatically detected and is a one time installation. You only have to select 'Add to Chrome' and you are good to go! Please be aware that touch back is NOT supported by sharing via the browser! If you need touch back, please use the Voila application.
Via the Voila Application (if you do not have it yet, you can download it here)
1. Open the Voila Application
2. Check the 8 digit code as presented on the screen you want to connect to (only capital letters)
3. Fill the code into the browser showing the Voila user interface
4. Press connect and you will be connected to your meeting room screen