Leddura 2Meet Administration WebInterface
The Administration Web-Interface is accessible in two ways:
a. Local: From 2Meet display
b. Remote: Via a web browser from a device connected in the same network with 2Meet.
Local access to Leddura 2Meet Administration Web-Interface
The following instructions will show you how to access the administration web-interface from Leddura 2Meet directly.
When 2Meet is switched ON and shows the Home screen (as below), press the Pencil Button.
The Whiteboard page will open. Locate the toolbar on the left side of the screen and press Application icon (squares group).
Press on Browser Icon to open the web browser.
In the address bar type: https://localhost
Tip: The on-screen keyboard, can be brought on the screen by pressing on a field which requires input, like address bar; or swipe up from the bottom part of the screen.
The Administration Web-Interface will be displayed asking for credentials.
Input the credentials (if you don't know the credentials please contact CTOUCH Support) and press "Submit". The administration Web-Interface will be displayed.
Remote access to Leddura 2Meet Administration Web-Interface
The administration web-interface can be accessed from a remote computer by opening a browser and typing the IP address of the Leddura 2Meet https://<IP-address-of-2Meet>.
Tip: IP address of Leddura 2Meet is displayed on top right corner
It is possible that the IP address of Leddura 2Meet is not accessible from certain parts of your company network, consult your IT department for complete information.
Make sure that you implement the proper network security inside your network and configure your firewall to prevent unauthorised access from outside your organisation.
Now you can continue with changing and saving the Leddura 2Meet settings