How can I set the On/Off Timer?
Saving energy today for a brighter tomorrow! Using the On/Off Timer can prevent that your screen stays on while nobody is using it. Besides that the screen will shut down automatically when there is no signal offered you can minimize your power consumption by making use of the build in On/Off Timer.
1. Select the Display Menu icon in the Float Bar. (the Float Bar pops up when short pressing the center button of the screen)
2. Select Settings
3. After pressing Settings you will be prompted for a Password
4. Tap the white boxes to enter the password (0000 by default)
5. Scroll down to the desired Timer you would like to set (Off Timer in the example)
6. Select the desired time period by pressing the arrows on screen or using the arrows on the remote control.
7. Alter the desired hour by pressing the arrows on screen or using the arrows on the remote control
8. In the same way you can adjust the minutes
9. Use the [Back] button in the Float Bar, or on the remote control to go back or leave the menu
You're ready to start saving energy!